Am I still fit into this car seat?......
But I like it so much....
Hmmm......please let me sit until I cant fit, it so nice & Comfortable.....
See...I still have to use my stocking to touch the I still fit into this .... is that right pa & ma.....
After few months...again Ah Kong, Ah Mah, Kong Kong & PoPo said am not fit into this car seat already....sound familiar...I heard this since newborn....
Papa & Mama said is ok...I love to sit in my car seat cos is so comfortable & I always sleep whenever travel from KL-Melaka....
Little Kyle sure is growing taller and taller ya :) Mommy and daddy will be getting bb kyle a new one soon, don't worry :)
Mummy & Daddy scared that after we change new one, little Kyle refuse to sit into it as he get use to this car seat...
Is good that Kyle loves to sit in car seat. He really looks comfortable in there..
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