After one week, sticking glue with mummy...and now also 'glue glue glue'...:-)
I am doing fine!!
Finally fight the viral rashes with the calamine lotion given by doctor!! :-)
Thank you to all uncle & auntie concern ya!! Little Prince appreciate very much!
This is the cool patch that i use during high fever at night.
Feel very 'glue', hold in hand also sticky but when mummy peel out from my forehead, no sticky feel, amazing....
only temporary hold the fever to 'not so hot' level.
How I look on this cool patch?
A bit 'too big' on my forehead ya!!
Mummy said I am good boy cos I will not touch it after I wake up, why....
cos mummy quietly stick on my forehead after I sleep.....
I am so glad to know that he is doing dine now :) Take care ya and waiting to see more coming posts :)
Glad he is back to normal now. He looks slimmed down, isit?
Good that Kyle has recovered.
Last time Sarah also used the calamine lotion to wipe on the rashes.
Wow... he's a good boy leh! My Ryan will peel out the Kool fever! And it doesn't work for my boy when he'd his fever last week.
Glad Kyle's doing fine... :)
thank God kyle is getting better! gd boy :)
Glad that he has fully recovered :)
Thanks all mummy concern, BB Kyle doing fine now but more cling to mummy!! 'sigh'
Julie, yeah, you are right, he a bit slim down but taller!!
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