Recently there are not many photo upload here cos mama camera still sleeping nicely in the box,,,,hahaha
At last have some photo (taken from shu shu camera) taken during Chinese New Year,,,,:-p
Some update about me, mama have not update anything after my 2 years old birthday!!

I love to eat by myself with spoon or fork!!

After my birthday celebration, I fall in love in blowing cake!! (This was my Ah Ma 61th years old birthday celebration on the 4th day of chinese new year)

Hehe, this is my favourite since Chinese New Year!! Packet Drink using straw and 100 Plus!!

And lastly, I love to say : I want Chinese New Year cloths whenever mama take out this 'samfu'!! :-)
Woww, I can see many cartons of soft drink in the photo. Is that your house?
really long time no posting from u. hope allis well with u.. n ur son....growing well n big size.
Y your camera still sleeping in the box? New camera which you does not want to use yet?
I'm missing your updates. I wanna say too..that's alot of soft drinks and packet drinks!!
He looks good in his samfu. ^_^
My kiddos too, love packet drinks very much... better not drink too much packet drinks... plain water is still best!
little prince is very good eating by himself... keep it up! :-)
Such a big boy now...
Ur house got so many soft drink?
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