Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mama to MUMMY

When I was younger, I always call Mama, mama, mama, mama........

About one month ago, after coming back from popo house......I started to call

Now, I love to call MUMMY!!
I told mummy :
Bryan call his mama : mummy
Ivan call his mama : mummy
Ah Yi call PoPo : mummy

I want to call you mummy!!

Mama ask : Who is your mummy?
Me : Mama lor!! :-)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy 30 Months!


I am 2 1/2 years old ~ 30 months old!!

Well, mama have not really update any development for long time!!

Some quick update before my secretary said : I am old lady, cannot remember so much thing!! :-)

  • Height : around 95cm, Weight : around 16kg (not sure) - will confirm during the next jap!! :-(
  • I can wear socks n shoes without papa n mama helps!! I have no problem for LEFT - RIGHT@ Now I am learning to identify RIGHT - LEFT hands and legs!!
  • Last two months, I started to take rice instead of soft rice (steam rice), and eat everything just like mama n papa!! (But mama still cut the vege into small pcs, just in case!)
  • I finally wean off mama nen-nen! But I still miss 'them'!! :-p
  • Pong Pong time : I prefer to stand pong pong instead of sitting inside my little 'bathtub'
  • Two months ago, kong kong taught me how to wear t-shirt!! I will look for the two sleeve 'hole' and put thru my hands then look for the main 'big hole' to let my head 'lap' (pass thru) thru!! * my kong kong said : lap 下 去! :-) My favourite t-shirt will be collar t-shirt and with pocket!! Recently, I always request to wear the same colour as papa!! Mama always pengsan whenever I have such request cos I only have few colours t-shirt similar to papa!! :-p
  • This one is my favourite - wearing pants!! Nowadays, I love to wear pants with ZIP+ BELT!! I can wear pants (must wear little underwear!!) by myself and zip up!! But the belt still need mama helps!! :-p I have the choice to choose long or short pants!!
  • New skill : 'rock climbing'!! Found something new in the SA Park!! I finally manage to do the climbing with papa guide!! Hooray!!!
  • I think mama did not post this out here before : I manage to 'handle' the computer mouse!! : I can click the mouse - move to the 'target object' and CLICK!!! The first game that I play online is from Teletubbies !!!
  • Mama still not officially introduce the alphabet to me but I can recognize : Peter, Jane and T.E.S.C.O!
  • I finally know the colour of RED, thomas BLUE, GREEN green grass (that's the way mama thought me!), Yellow, Black / Dark, Brown, Purple & Pink!!
  • I have fall in love with BULLDOZER!! Whenever I go out kai kai, I always look for 'him'!! If there is no one in the bulldozer, I will say : "bulldozer not moving, uncle hungry, go mum-mum!!" Papa n Ah Mah recently bought some bulldozer toys for me!! I super love it!!
That's all for now....will update more when mama upload some photo from her handphone (remember, I 'did' something bad to the camera, my poor little secretary cant take photo fr her favourite camera...so not many photo to show!! :-p)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Very Important Milestone!!



I finally stop tot tot (my mama nen-nen)!!!

Yes Yes!! You are not wrong!!

I was stick to my mama nen-nen for almost 2 1/2 years!! hehe!!

To be more correct, I will be 2.5 years old this coming 19 Jun, and I stop nen-nen from 30 May 2010!! ^-^

How I did it!! Very VEry VERy VERY PAINFUL PROCESS!!! >-< ^-^

- Three weeks ago, I have got this little ulcer on my lips, but I have not problem cos its not inside my mouth!
(Some side story : My little Uncle Bryan 'terkena' HFMD from school two weeks before I got back to Melaka, then I play with him for two weeks, nothing happened!)

- Two days after back to Klang, I am still healthy. Mummy feel that I might have some fever cos feel my body a bit warm....
(Another side story, my shu-shu (uncle) who is 29 years old also just recovered from HFMD about one week! Why adult also can have HFMD???!!)

- Mama started to feel something different cos my little palm n feet showing some red spots, and got one big ulcer on my tongue, she suspect I 'terkena' HFMD too!!

- Mama then brought me to see Dr. Su - true enough is HFMD but doctor said, I have no fever, and it is very mild only - NO medication! :-) Yeahhhhh

So there comes my painful journey!!

I started to feel pain for my ulcer, I can't take food, only liquid - which is my formula milk!
Then at night!!
I cannot tot tot!!!!!! OOOOOOO---@@@-@@@@-@@@@@
CRYYYYYYing time
Keep crying cos cannot suck on my human pacifier!!!!
How to sleep!!!!!
I cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy till I sleep!
Sleep for 1 - 2 hours
turn to mama, looking for my 'pacifier' as usual, and PAIN again!!
CRyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy till I sleep
All the tears came out!!!!!!
Sleep for another 2- 3 hours
turn to mama, looking for my pacifier and again PAIN!!
CRRYYYYInnnnnnggggggggg till I sleep!!

then morning already!

Same crying pattern when I having my nap in the afternoon
At night!!
For 4 days!!
My mama PENGSAN!!
My papa NO EYE see me cry!! hehe
Dont want to sleep with us!!

The fifth day, I kind of know I cant suck, so still make noise but no more crying!
But still wake up few times in the middle of the night!

6th & 7th.......Getting much much better!!

But this what I will do to my pacifier.....
I will asking mama for my 'pacifier', I will touch & feel it with my mouth, sayang my pacifier although I cant suck!
I even kiss them before I sleep!

p/s :
Mama did pump out the nen-nen and feed me with spoon on the first day. First time, I 'quite reluctantly' drink it!! Second time - I tell mama - ITS smelly!! Mama PENgsan!! hahahah!!

Now mama will put me in the cradle for afternoon nap, at least I will not look for my nen-nen for the time being and easier to fall asleep.

At night, I still sayang my 'pacifier' before sleep but mama always said I big-big already, do not need to totott...hehe but I still want it (at least I got to kiss them before I sleep!)
(mama wish to find a pet to replace my 'pacifier' but I just dont like to hold anything to sleep at night!! :-p___)

Mama said - THANKS TO THE ULCER which help her to wean me off!! :-)