Tuesday, April 21, 2009

罗汉果润肺汤 ~


(四 - 六人)

淮山 六片
玉竹 一把
莲子 一把
薏米 一把
圆肉 五粒
红枣 十粒
罗汉果 半粒
枸子 一汤匙

排骨 四块


1. 排骨汆烫,备用。
2. 全部配料洗净。
3. 五 - 六 大碗水
4. 配料 + 水, 煮沸。
5. 放排骨。
( 可以放一点盐)
6. 小火 - 滚半小时 至 四十五分钟。

Dried chinese yam - 6pcs
Yoke Chok - 3oz
Lotus seed - 3 oz
Barli - 3 oz
Dried Longan - 5
Red Dates - 10
Luo Han Guo - 1/2 (if you like it so much can put SATU biji also no problem!)
Wolfberry - 1 table spoon
Spareribs/lean pork
Some salt for seasoning

Method : Very easy....prepare suitable amount of water, put all the ingredient (except the pork, scald n rinse well, put it in after water boiled) then boil!!....after water boil, turn to low heat then boil for another 1/2 to 45 mins.

If you have this cosway magic cooker, boil 20 mins then put in the 'cooker' (no electricity, that's why call magic!!..now Jusco do sell similar product)..after 6 - 8 hours, the soup still can serve in hot!!  yummy yummy!!

I will update other soup later....thought to first share my super favourite!! :-)