.......continue my little story......
Since then mama only use CD in day time n MP at night time!! According to my parents buying history, the last time they bought diaper was in Sept (10 XL super jumbo pack) till now.

I change from size L - XL till now.....
Size S from new born till 2 months
Size M - 2 months till 6 months
Size L - 6 months till 9 months
When I started to walk when I am about 13 - 14 months, mama then let me wear this little MP Pants when we go out 'kai kai'....

MP Pants
Why this little potty photo here...cos got to talk about 'him' a little bit.
I was on potty train for little poo poo since I am 7 months old.
Mama will put me sitting on it every morning without fail. I started to develop the good 'habit' then :-)
Last month, mama took out the 'white' colour part of the potty n fix on the adult toilet n let me try...Yup yup hooray,,,I finally can sit 'high high'!! :-)
Since then I will sitting on the 'high high' chair for my poo poo session!! :-)
...........to be continue........
Wah..clever boy. Toilet trained already.
happy happy...
i m still strugglig with toilet training.
I find it hard to toilet-train my boi-boi. He just hates to poo-poo.
Clever boy.....
Clever boy;)
My boy already diaperless when he 21 months old
Wah, smart boy! Soon you will be diaperless..
Mummy Gwen, yup..started when he is young, my mum nag me on that, no choice lor..:-)
Rachel, keep on trying, be patient!!
Family First, do not worry, take your time,,,I teach my boy to say bye bye to the poo poo (before I flush it to the toilet bowl) whenever he has done the job..:-)
Thanks Mery & KC & Serene...hopefully my boy will be diaperless soon...
Kyle is ok with the potty chair? Sarah also got one, but I only used it once many2 mths ago.
All these while, she is using the traditional type.
wahh... good boy!! My boy couldn't even sit on the potty for 1 min since he's few months old...and now even worse... sigh!
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