Friday, January 9, 2009

Childhood Pictures

For fun, want to guess which one is me?
and which one is my mummy?


Julie said...

A little tough. F, H, I is Kyle and the rest is mommy. Tell me how I score.

nicole said...

A,B,C,D,E,G is yugene
F,H & I is baby kyle

the little prince said...

AIyak....Julie & Nicole got it right for Kyle...but mummy only got ONE PHOTO.... try to guess which one!! The rest are Kyle Ah Yi!!

nicole said...

G is mummy ar?

got award for u yugene, pls come to grab it.

Kristie said...

lovely pictures!

i have 3 awards for u!

Rachel said...

Could it be B?

Hard to tell between your sis pics and yours :)

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Finally I am here..I am still using dial up connection one so slow..most of the time I cant open your blog la yugene..sorry!

Natalia said...

A is for mommy???

MommyAngel said...

F, H, I is bb kyle :)

I have an award for you here

the little prince said...

Thanks all mummy for the good guess!!

Natalia mummy guess right!!
A is me...Kyle look like me? :-)

Thanks Kristie & Caroline for the awards!