Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Yummy Yummy!

Recently Papa n Mama love to bring me to Ikea
Cos I love to play at their toys section
And love their Swedish Restaurant food!!



LittleLamb said...

hehehehehehe PHilip is not allowed to play at the Ikea play area cos must be above 3 yo. Is it Kyle look 3yo n above?

Merryn said...

then how come i dun see u in swedish restaurant? lol. we are always there too..

BoeyJoey said...

We love to go Ikea to hang out too! :-)

mNhL said...

Never try their other food besides than hotdog and curry puff. Next time should give it a try.

Mummy Gwen said...

I like Ikea's food but my Hubby hates the long queue.

MeRy said...

So shop anything from Ikea?

Cynful Pleasure said...

hoo hoo.. you seems to enjoy alot ya.. :D how come we didn't bump into each other?

the little prince said...

Rachel,Kyle looks like 3 - 4 years old kis..he is now about 90 - 92cm and around 16kg....:-)

Merryn, next time I buka mata big big to look for u n Ethan ya! :-)

BoeyJoey Mum, see u there!! :-)

mNhl, that curry puff n hotdog always long que...:-p

mummy Gwen..the que very fast..but i never did, my hubby did!! :-p

Mery, yeap..Kyle always got his toys!!

Cynthia, next time will look for u n Breanna ya! :-)