Friday, July 24, 2009

Weekend at SA Park

Remember one of my posting on busy weekend...
This is the park that papa n mama normally bring me to play!
I can only play 10% of it cos many of it only suitable for big kids! :-(

Recently I manage to go thru the tunnel and the tunnel slide
(previously I do not like to do that, dont know why?)


MommyAngel said...

The playground is so huge and it looks new too :) I think he must be very happy to play there ...... no mosquitoes? Lately a lot of moisquitoes here so I don't dare to go out :)

MeRy said...

Big playground......don't forget to wash his hand and leg after playing at playground.

the little prince said...

Caroline, ya lor...we try to be there early and leave early cos scared of the mosquitoes!

Mery, yup, sure!!

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Yugene, where is SA Park located?

Will Kyle afraid to mix around with other kids while playing? Sarah will be like that.